Fall and Christmas Mini Sessions 2024

This blog post just became the landing page for both Fall and Christmas mini sessions. It's where you can find all of the themes that I'll be shooting on specific dates from October to the beginning of December. For the direct link to Fall minis with the dates and time slots, please click here. For the direct link to Christmas minis with dates and time slots, please click here.

I try to have a few mini session options for my clients at the end of each year. Due to Daylight Savings and the sun setting when my clients get off work, it's hard to meet with families on weeknights. Meeting with multiple families in one afternoon every few weekends makes family portraits possible for more of my amazing clients! Minis are also a great way to get quick and easy family portraits for those Christmas cards and presents. Below, you'll find the different mini session themes that will run from October to December on specific dates with multiple time slots for each date.

Non-Themed Fall Minis in Yorktown

Non-Themed Fall Minis

Fall minis in Yorktown will look very different this year! I typically do a non-themed Fall mini in a grassy field, BUT this year the non-themed mini will be at a nearby area instead. There are lots of choices within the area I'll be using, but for time's sake we will need to either stick with 2 of the main areas within the location, or we'll have to move quickly. These minis will be scheduled 30 minutes apart, due to walking time from the parking lot, but they'll still be the usual 15-20 minute shooting time.

Since the best spots are squinty-eyed-sunny, I will book them quite close to sunset, which, in October will mean dinnertime, so please plan accordingly! These minis are booking now, with October dates with evening time slots (click here to see dates and time slots).

Fall Foliage Minis in Newport News

Fall Foliage Minis

Fall foliage is usually the best the second week in November, so that's when I try to shoot them. These minis will be at a Newport News location are booking now. Space will be limited, since there will only be one November date. (click here and scroll to the second set to see dates and time slots).

Rustic Fall Minis in Poquoson

Rustic Fall Minis

I will be doing rustic Fall minis by my wood shed/faux barn again this year. I started taking the fabric off of a chair I reupholstered a handful of years ago and surprise, the original fabric is yellow! I totally forgot! I also started scraping and sanding the white paint off of the chair, but I decided to stop and call it a shabby yellow chair instead haha. I almost checked the restore for another chair, but my husband says I have too much vintage furniture, or something. I don't know, I wasn't really listening 😅. There will be two setups, one area will have the chair in front of the faux hay wagon and the other will be in front of the faux barn (with or without the chair- it's easy to move).

One date in October, plus one date in November with afternoon time slots are booking now (click here and scroll to the third set to see dates and time slots).

Christmas Minis in Poquoson

Christmas Minis

As you can see, I'll be setting up a tree farm next to my wood shed/faux barn again this year, except this year, just about every tree is going to have LIGHTS! I have a few other props that I'll most likely add in as well. The props were buried underneath all of the trees in the wood shed and I didn't dig them out for sample photos. You may recognize the chair from beach sessions from the distant past. It's been sitting in the attic with the fabric torn off since we moved, so it was definitely time to fix it up again! Both setups are included and this chair can be moved to be in front of the trees, or in front of the faux barn. The barn roof color can be changed in post processing, depending on what color reds your family may be wearing. A few snow edits will be included in your gallery, too!

There are 2 November dates and 1 December date with afternoon time slots to choose from (click here for time slots and dates ).

Well behaved dogs are welcome to join in! Pets are easiest at the Poquoson location if you think you'll need to put them in the car part of the way through. Parking is right next to where we'll shoot.

Thanks for checking out this year's end of the year mini sessions!